Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Treasure Hunt

When I was little, I have fond memories of my dad making treasure hunts for me and my sisters.  He would hide little clues, that we would follow to the next clue, and dig up a buried treasure under the X at the end.  It didn't even matter what was hidden under the X.  I could have been a pile of rocks, and we would get excited just to pretend it was treasure.  I have inherited my dads creative side, and love watching my kids explore and enjoy the silly little adventures that I create, mostly through fun memories I have of things my dad did for us when we were little. 

Last year Brayden showed some interest in pirates and buried treasure, mostly because of the newest addition to the Disney Junior lineup...Jake and the Neverland Pirates!  In every episode Jake and pals must collect gold doublooms, and add it to their team treasure chest at the end.  Onto the Internet I go:)  On Amazon and I ordered a Melissa and Doug Pirate Treasure.  I loved it even more when I received it because it has a hidden bottom!  How fun is that?!  Now all we need is a treasure map.  I used light brown scrapbook paper, that I crumpled and uncrumpled a dozen times to make it look old and tattered.  I then drew a picture of our neighboorhood, which includes a small park.  *Spoiler alert*  Daddy buried the treasure in the sandbox at the park:)  See map! X marks the spot!!
first stop, the red barn
second stop, the parking lot
X marks the spot!!!
almost there!!!
he could hardly contain his excitment!
enjoying the chocolate gold coins!
We even found an authentic pirate guarding his treasure!

Happy Treasure Hunting- Erin

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